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Help transition Australia and New Zealand to a connected and automated transport future

CCAT is an entity for those interested in discussing, generating and implementing the solutions and policies needed for connected and automated transport in Australia and New Zealand. It also provides a forum to connect with other stakeholders within the sector. 

CCAT is a paid membership organisation. It is open to all organisations with a common interest in facilitating Australia and New Zealand’s transition to connected and automated transport.

We understand connected and automated transport is not just about roads. CCAT membership can benefit any sector or company involved in transport and transport operations. Mining companies, the agriculture sector, logistics and warehousing, ports and shipping companies should all consider the benefits of CCAT membership.


CCAT's current members are a dynamic group of forward-thinking innovators leading the way in the transport industry.

Who should become a member?

  • Transport agencies within government

  • Innovative local councils

  • Connected and autonomous vehicle industry participants

  • Technology manufacturers

  • Vehicle manufacturers

  • Mining companies

  • Freight companies

  • Agriculture sector

  • Logistics and warehousing companies

  • Ports and shipping companies

  • Researchers and universities

  • Next-generation technology developers

Who Should Become  a Member V2
What CCAT Offers Member

What CCAT offers members – Why you should join.

CCAT provides its members with a hub for regular policy and ideas exchange. It also alerts the community to the benefits of connected and automated transport.

CCAT brings all members under a single umbrella. It allows them to work collaboratively with government, industry, academia and community bodies to inform the development of national policy, legislation, regulation, business models, operational procedures and processes to bring connected and automated transport safely and successfully to Australasia’s roads and industry.

Until now, the many sectors involved in connected and automated transport have had insufficient opportunity to work and plan together. Some have been contained within industry, governmental or solitary silos. For others, connected and automated transport isn’t currently their bread and butter, though they may have an interest in, or a solution for the connected and automated transport industry.

CCAT is an opportunity for all these organisations to stay in the loop and collaborate to deliver a connected and automated future for Australia and New Zealand.

How much does
membership cost?

Annual membership fees are determined by the CCAT Board. Fees are based on each member’s turnover.

Unless otherwise varied by the Board, the fees to apply in 2024/25 will be:

More than $100m turnover (fees $50,000 pa incl. GST)


$50m - $100m turnover (fees $20,000 pa incl. GST)


$0m - $50m turnover (fees $10,000 pa incl. GST)

A member may only be admitted without payment of fees in exceptional circumstances, including public benefit, being a membership body or not-for-profit, provision of commensurate monetised services, reciprocal membership, or international affiliations.